
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Work Wardrobe: Falling for Floral

Fun with Florals!  (If you watch The League you know where I got that, haha)  I am still obsessed with Oxblood or it's more casual synonym, maroon.  Plus oxblood makes me think of playing the Oregon Trail in grade school but I digress (of dysentery).  I really love reinventing a classic combination and this time I played with the fool-proof and flattering combination of the button-up shirt and pencil skirt. 

Instead of a button up I chose a v-neck, ruffled, and floral blouse.  There is a lot going on up top so everything else really needed to remain simple and coordinated.  I chose a navy pencil skirt instead of the classic black.  Top (or bottom) that off with oxblood tights and brown booties for an unexpected ensemble.  The floral print and softer color combos create a more feminine Fall look.  ~B

Maroon Floral Top - Elle for Kohls
Navy Pencil Skirt - The Limited (I have had this staple for at least 6 years and still get good use out of it!)
Oxblood Tights - Simply Very by Vera Wang for Kohls
Brown Booties - a TJ Maxx clearance purchase

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